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Not Happy With The ROI Of Your Email Campaigns? Want To Increase Sales From Existing Leads & Customers Using Email?

We’ll Help You Generate More Customer Orders & Increase Life Time Value Using Email & SMS Marketing

Email Marketing & How Can It Help You Grow Your Ecom Business

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for growing your ecommerce business by engaging with your audience, building relationships, and driving sales. Here are some key ways in which email marketing can contribute to the growth of your ecommerce business:


  • Personalisation: Personalized emails can significantly improve customer engagement. Use customer names, recommend products based on their purchase history, and tailor your content to their preferences.
  • Audience Segmentation: Divide your email list into segments based on customer behavior, demographics, or purchase history. This allows you to send targeted and relevant messages to specific groups, increasing the chances of conversion.
  • Automated Campaigns: Set up automated email campaigns triggered by specific actions, such as welcome emails for new subscribers, abandoned cart emails, or post-purchase follow-ups. Automation saves time and ensures timely communication with your customers.
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Send automated emails to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts. Remind them of the items left behind and encourage them to complete the purchase. This can help recover potentially lost sales.
  • Promotions and Discounts: Use email to announce special promotions, discounts, or exclusive offers to your subscribers. This can incentivize purchases and create a sense of urgency.
  • Product Announcements and Updates: Keep your customers informed about new product launches, restocks, or updates. This helps to generate interest and excitement among your audience.
  • Customer Loyalty Programs: Implement a loyalty program and use email to communicate the benefits and rewards. Encourage repeat purchases by offering exclusive discounts or early access to loyal customers.
  • Educational Content: Provide valuable content in your emails, such as how-to guides, product tutorials, or industry insights. This not only positions your brand as an authority but also keeps your audience engaged.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure that your email campaigns are mobile-friendly. Many people check their emails on mobile devices, and a responsive design ensures a seamless user experience, leading to higher conversion rates.


This Is Not For Brands Who…

  • Are turning over less than 250k a year in revenue
  • Have no interest in generating repeat sales for their ecom store
  • Do not wish to increase and improve their Lifetime value from existing and future customers
  • Don’t want to build a stronger bond that results in increased sales & more postive reviews from their customers
  • Not interested in customer feedback for future product development ideas
  • Have no interest in acquiring more customers and sales from existing customers


Can You Guys Help Improve My Email Marketing ROI On My Ecom Store?

Yes indeed!

As long as we get to audit your existing setup on your CRM which will allow us to see if we can genuinely make a positive difference to your ROI, then we can work towards helping you achieve new revenue and profit goals.

This video explains our frame work for improving ROI via email & SMS marketing –

Email Growth Package


  • Increase deliverability so more of your brands emails land in your recepients inbox
  • Create and launch emails campaigns that generate sales & increased Lifetime value
  • Increase Open & click through rates
  • Increase retention through relationship building with your leads and customers
  • A/B test email campaigns to improve ROI
Price: 1,500 + 10% of Revenue Generated via Email Marketing



What experience do you have with email marketing in ecommerce?

Between the team here at Byrne Media. When it comes to email & SMS marketing, we have approximately 9 years of combined experience . We understand what it takes to maximise growth on this channel and have worked in different verticals such as – Apparel, Health, Beauty, Cosmetics, fitness & electronics. We understand the importance of email deliverability, the different email flows required for automation, list segmentation and campaigns.


What email platforms and tools do you use?

Primarily we used Klaviyo. But we’ve also worked with platforms such as Omisend, Sendlane & Mailchimp.


Is email marketing important for e-commerce businesses?

Email marketing is a very important for an e-commerce business as it allows businesses to directly reach and engage with their leads and customers. It helps in building relationships, promoting products, driving sales and nurturing customer loyalty. For us at ByrneMedia, its the primary marketing channel we use for customer retention and building out Life Time Value.


How can you guys help to improve the email ROI of our store?

We can only ever truly answer this properly if we acquire access to your CRM and audit the activity and behaviour of the data. Once we audit the account and observe any flaws we can fix to improve the ROI of the entire email channel, only then can we make you a genuine offer that will improve the ROI of your email channel after a certain period of time.


What is the best time to send marketing emails for an e-commerce business?

The optimal time can vary, so it’s essential to A/B test different times and days. However, research suggests that Tuesday and Thursday afternoons often perform well. Here’s a Pro Tip: Don’t send your email on the hour, quarter or 30 minutes into the hour. Thats what everyone else does. Send your emails out at 9.13am, or 14.03pm. This way you are not landing in the receipients inbox at the same time as every other brand. This will make a positive difference to your visability and open rate.

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